Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Potty in the BIG potty!

Being the mother of a 2 year old brings a heck of a lot of frustration, but also a heck of a lot of FUN.  :)  Gabe has recently become very interested in potty training.  He absolutely loves that he can do it all by himself.  He has "big boy diapers" he can take off himself, a stool to climb up on the potty with, and a fun cars/truck potty seat that Nana got for him.  He's very good at cleaning up afterwards and loves to wash his hands with the soap bubbles.  His favorite part is the reward sticker he gets every time he uses the bathroom.  At first the stickers were scattered throughout the house, and usually ended up on the bottom of my sock.  I suggested he put them on a piece of paper on the fridge so that we could all see his special stickers. He got quite a kick out of that.  So here is Gabe sitting happily on the potty, and his reward stickers - this is ONE days worth of stickers.  :)  


Tobias Family said...

hey, that is so cool, we did the same thing with Alexys, but after a week of putting stickers on she got the pick out a special treat/toy- 1 sticker for the whole day, she still likes putting them up, after being potty trained!!!

Reams Fam said...

Yeah for Gabe! What a big boy! I am so nervous to potty train Jackson!

Lori said...

Way to go, Gabe! My nephew didn't decide to be potty trained till he was almost 4!

Anonymous said...

He's da Man!! (Some of us are still working on it... maybe if we got stickers? ;) )

James and Summer said...

woo-hoo! way to go Gabe! And good luck mom... ;)

we did the treat/toy thing after she was starting to lose interest. Going potty earned stickers, 40 stickers earned something really cool - like a toy car, or crayons, coloring book, hair prettys, candy, etc. (dollar store and target dollar section was a great resource!) Then she got something every few days.
That prize box has now turned into our 'treasure box'. Stickers are earned for chores, good listening, etc. For every five stickers earned there is a small prize (a cool sticker, a piece of gum, a creepy crawler, 5 pop-its, etc.), and every 25 stickers is a bigger prize (one can of play-doh, a sparkly brush, etc.)
Now she is four, and really starting to learn about money - AND starting to want BIGGER toys (princess stuff of course!). So, now she has to do extra special chores to earn money, that she in turn pays me for the toy (that I've already purchased) that sits on the refrigerator).

wow - sorry so long... I don't mean to be preachy. It is so fun to watch them grown and have a sense of accomplishment for what they are doing! Go GABE!

Taralyn said...

if you could get my child interested i would love it :) congrats! hopefully soon you will only have 1 person's diapers to change :)