Today we celebrated Grant's 1st Birthday. We had a wonderful day with our sweet little man. We opened a few presents together as a family, including a new favorite wooden push toy from Nana that both boys played with most of the day. We had a really fun party with some of our dearest friends, and a certain 3 year old brother who'd eaten 4 too many cupcakes provided the entertainment for the evening. Grant had his first taste of a cupcake, and he seemed to really enjoy it. He actually ate about half of it before getting bored of squishing it to pieces.
Now that he's tucked away sleeping, I'm reflecting back on this whirlwind of a year. It seems as if tonight I'll go peek in on a tiny 1 month old baby, and not a walking little 1 year old. This year has flown by far too quickly. It seems like just yesterday I was in the hospital snuggling my brand new (and surprisingly chubby!) baby boy. Grant has been quite possibly the best baby in the world. He's always been a wonderful sleeper, and I'm constantly amazed at how well he tolerates Gabe's pestering, smothering and toy taking. He's generally very happy and easily entertained. I'm grateful to be the mom of such a sweet, cute and loving little boy. My favorite "Grant" things are:
His love of snuggling pillows
His growl
His big sweet grin that makes his eyes shrink like tiny moons because he smiles so big
His slobbery kisses
His puckered lips - check out the cupcake picture below!
Here are some pictures of his birthday today (sorry, they're out of order and I don't know how to fix that!) and a few pictures looking back on the past year of his life. We love you Grant!

The infamous wooden toy from Nana

Laughing with mommy

A few days old

2 weeks old

3 months old

4 months old

5 months

9 months

10 months

Eating Birthday cupcake!

"You got to puck up your lips, like 'dis!"